These are General Rules of conduct for the PhantasyStars Forums. We all have common use it. But for the stupid people out are some guidlines.
Avatars and Signatures
This is for you to display a picture that represents you. Avatars or signatures with inappropriate content (foul language, adult material, offensive comments, etc.) may be edited or deleted as deemed necessary.
Respect Others
Opinions are valued on the forums-- yours and everybody else’s. Please keep all personal conflicts to yourself and have discussions, not arguments. If you disagree with another member, post your comment calmly so other can understand your point and feelings. Do not insult other members’ intelligence. If a member gets on your nerves, do not go out of your way to insult them. Last but not least, treat others like how you want to be treated.
Posting/Thread duplicating/spam
When making a thread make sure it is related to the forums. If you accidentally double post, do not worry about it. There is no need to make another post apologizing. Please make sure to post in the appropriate forums and/or forums subsection. Posting in the wrong section will have your post moved. However, multiple postings of the same thread to get attention (bumping) will result in having all your threads deleted and a temporary suspension for spamming. Posting the same thread across different forums and subsections constitutes as spamming also. Bumping is not tolerated. Purposely commenting on a thread over and over to get attention will have the thread locked/deleted and your forums privileges revoked. If you have no business on the forums but to make inflammatory posts (aka trolling), you will be banned.
Forum moderators are incharge of upkeeping and promoting our forum community. It is not their job to respond to your thread. Just because they do not reply, it does not mean they are not aware.
All threads posted on the forums needs to be written in English. We understand that English is not a native language for some members but please understand that the majority of our community are English speakers. Writing threads in foreign languages to single out certain members of the forums is not allowed. Please do your best to write in English so all members can understand.